A picture of the chinese symbol on the back of a chair.


Created by Chance Wolf

Jimmy Vee and Chance Wolf joined forces to create what we believe to be the BEST ROUTINE Wolfs Magic has released in the past ten years!! I am not just saying that to hype this new creation…it’s simply TRUE! This ACTION PACKED routine will take both you and the kids on a WILD RIDE of FUN as they watch DANGER the DARE DEVIL misbehave while trying to perform the GREAT ESCAPE!! A COMPLETE ROUTINE that plays HUGE and everything PACKS INTO THE BAG!


The magician invites a young child on stage to help with a true feat of MAGIC! He begins by telling a story of the greatest escape of all time! So terrifying, even the great Houdini would tremble in his shorts. He talks of an attempt by an unknown creature he/she promises to introduce, but first… A small red chest with chains dangling from the front is introduced as…The Chinese Tickle Torture Chest! The child is asked to hold the box. Then the magician displays a pedestal with a Target on the top and places it on one side of the stage. The magician then explains how this mysterious creature will be locked and chained into the chest and on his command it will escape, travel through the air across the stage and land on the pedestal on the other side.
As the audience is now ready to meet the star of the show, a bag is introduced. The creature is sleeping inside. This gives the magician ample opportunity to let the proverbial “cat of the bag” on the little creature’s biggest secret… he’s afraid of….SNAKES!!!
The creature wakes inside the bag and hilarity ensues as the BAG BEGINS TO THRASH ABOUT!! Once the creature is awake, he is placed, locked and chained into the chest ready to conquer THE GREAT ESCAPE! The box is handed back to the child and he is asked to hold it firmly!
To the child’s surprise, the BOX SPRINGS OPEN as the CHAINS RATTLE and the creature is GONE!
But instead of ending up on the platform, he SHOOTS BACK INSIDE THE BAG almost throwing the magician off balance!
The magician tries again. He locks the creature inside the box, given back to the child, and instructs the creature to make his escape and take his bows on the platform. This time the magician places the bag under his arm so the creature can’t get inside. The BOX SPRINGS OPEN AGAIN and the box is empty. The magician waits for the creature to appear on the platform but again he does not. The magician removes the bag from under his arm and THRASHING AROUND INSIDE IS OUR LITTLE HERO!
The magician locks and chains the creature in the chest for a third and final time. Again instructing him to take his bows on the platform. This time, to ensure the creature doesn’t go into the bag, the magician hides the bag behind his back and ties it up tight.
The BOX SPRINGS OPEN AGAIN and the creature is gone. Everyone waits for him to appear on the platform but he does not. The magician checks the bag…it is shown empty. The magician checks the platform, he checks under it… what if he’s hiding INSIDE?
The magician pops the top and the little creature’s worst nightmare comes shooting out! A GIANT SNAKE!! No wonder he didn’t want to stand on that platform! But where did he go?
The magician goes on a frantic search to find the creature only to find him clinging to…. his BACK!


Escape Box: Countless hours went into engineering the Escape Box! It appears simple from the outside but once you have it in hands, you will appreciate the ingenuity that went into making this possible! It is COMPLETELY MECHANICAL with NO ELECTRONICS or BATTERIES to worry about!! You will LOVE the way this works!!

Thrashing Bag: We have taken our classic Wacky Weasel bag and made a few improvements! Made from a heavy duty Cotton with a thick drawstring with Hand Silk Screened Graphics. It uses NO ELECTRONICS!! The animations are endless and up to you how crazy or subtle the actions may be depending on the little guys mood!

Landing Pad (Snake Can): We have taken the Snake can effect and placed the element of SURPRISE back in by NOT using a standard can. The can is made of polished steel with custom graphics and a Bullseye Landing Pad on the lid. The kids do not expect it coming!!

The Creature: You are provided (4) Four HAND MADE Creatures capable of the typical Rocky Raccoon animations. Two have eyes (One with a Magnetic Nose) and two creatures that have no eyes (The Instructional Video will cover why they do not have eyes)

Package Includes: A very special Escape Box, Landing Pad (Snake Can), One Large Cloth Spring Snake, Four Creatures (Two with eyes, Two without), Steel Shim for Magnetic Creature to attach to jacket and a Custom Silk Screened Carrying Bag.

A picture of the chinese symbol on the back of a chair.


(This effect is no longer available)

Thanks so much for your interest & support!